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发表时间:2019-10-30 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)

集 数:30集
演 员:王沺裁、王宇婕、陈泽耀、黄啓铭、庞蕾馨
监 制:马家骏
故 事:赵志坚
王沺裁饰演:余光伟  陈泽耀饰演:李天柱  王宇婕饰演:罗宇婕  庞蕾馨饰演:Pauline
黄啟铭饰演:余光杰  陈丽贞饰演:林月琴  陈泰铭饰演:罗东发  赖力豪饰演:罗宇航
郑子娟饰演:莫妮卡  张水发饰演:余建财  林佩琦饰演:陈佳仪  萧文亨饰演:David
曾潍山饰演:阿 南


















































































English Synopsis

  23 Years Ago, A Bizarre Disappearance

  1989, Ipoh in autumn. Along a street lived two good friends, Yu Jian Cai and Luo Dong Fa, who were neighbours.

  Jian Cai was a plumber, and his wife, Chen Jia Yi, was a hairdresser. They have two sons, the elder being Guang Jie, and the younger being Guang Wei. This seemingly warm family actually had seeds of jealousy deeply ingrained in it. As Jia Yi was very beautiful and Jian Cai had a low self-esteem, he was always jealous when she was with male customers.

  To take care of her children and reduce his jealousy, Jia Yi quit her job and opened a small hairdressing salon nearby. However, he did not appreciate her efforts and still felt as insecure, if not worse.

  At the neighbouring house, Dong Fa was known in the neighbourhood as a gangster who collected money for illegal gambling businesses. He even made his son, Yu Hang, skip school to collect 4D money. As his wife, Yue Qin, was sick of living in fear, she tried to persuade him to go straight, but to no avail.


  Yue Qin and Jia Yi were fast friends who talked about everything and spent a lot of time together. Even their children hung out together at the hairdressing salon, and Yu Jie, Yue Qin’s daughter, wanted to marry Guang Wei when she grew up.

  One day, however, as Jian Cai had called a locksmith to open the door because he had been locked out, Guang Jie became enthralled with lock picking after seeing the locksmith in action, and grew up to become a petty theft.

  The next day, Jian Cai returned to find Guang Wei unconscious on the floor, Jia Yi missing, and the house in a mess. When Guang Wei regain consciousness temporarily, he tried to tell his father that his mummy had been kidnapped, but his speech was slurred and his father thought that she had eloped. Jian Cai did not dare to search for her nor go to the police in case others knew of her affair and he was disgraced.

  After some time, he tried to leave town with his two sons, but because Guang Wei was worried about his mother, he ran to look for her instead in the oil palm plantation.

  At the plantation, he shouted loudly for his mother, and heard her voice faintly coming from a hut. However, his father arrived and carried him away before he could find her.

  It turned out that the person who had kidnapped her was Dong Fa. He had lusted over her and schemed to rape her for some time. Thus he kidnapped her and locked her up in a hut at a plantation, after his plan to rape her was botched.

  By the time her son had run to the plantation, Jia Yi was already weak and pregnant in the hut.

  Dong Fa saw Guang Wei with his father and brother at the plantation, and panicked. He returned to the hut when they had left, and broke her jade pendent in an ensuing struggle with her.

  Jia Yi finally escaped one day when she was near her labour, and met a mute woman who helped her to give birth. Before she breathed her last, Jia Yi gave the broken pendant to the baby and asked a favour from the mute lady…

  When Dong Fa found Jia Yi, she was dying and hugged her. Yue Qin followed him secretly and saw him with her. She immediately guessed that he was her kidnapper, after noticing his suspicious behaviour throughout that time, and putting two and two together.


  Yue Qin wanted to fetch Jia Yi to the hospital, but Dong Fa stopped her. Then it was too late.

  That night, she buried Jia Yi with her husband’s help, and forgave him for the sake of her children.

  23 Years Later, The Calm Before The Storm

  To celebrate the opening of the holiday village owned by the Tian Le business group, the company held a press conference. Yue Qin appears with Dong Fa, and turns out to be the boss of the company. When interviewed about her thoughts after returning to Ipoh after twenty long years, she replied that she would like to build a romantic resort there.

  It turned out that Dong Fa had seemingly turned over a new leaf and started a business related to real estate and construction. His business was very successful and he had retired, letting his wife run the show for him. She, in turn, had become a well-heeled successful businesswoman.

  However, their regret was that their eldest son was a never-do-well who spent his time and money wining and dining. His ambition was to be a national racer, so his father was very upset with him.

  In contrast, their daughter was more mature and had just graduated from a university overseas. Thus the couple pinned all their hopes on their daughter to succeed them in their business upon her return.

  Yu Jie and Guang Wei met again when Yu Jie’s car accidentally collided with Guang Wei’s clients’ new car. When Guang Wei wanted Yu Jie to compensate him, she grew suspicious of him after realizing that he was a car mechanic.

  Guang Jie was an undergraduate at that time, and had a bright future. He was his father’s pride and had a girlfriend named Pauline, who was a frank, honest and lovable reporter.

  Guang Jie dreamed of furthering his studies overseas, but could not overcome his addition to petty theft. Every time he was caught, Guang Wei would take the blame for him, and even became unpopular in school due to it. Thus Guang Wei could only manage to become a car mechanic because he hated school after that.

  Yu Hang had always been estranged from his father, and was only interested in racing. He had moved out to be free from his nagging, and returned only when he ran out of money, to get more from his mother. His mother would rather have him home of course.


  One day, Yu Hang met Guang Wei coincidentally when Guang Wei defended him from a rival gang. Yu Hang even invited Guang Wei home.

  When Dong Fa and Yue Qin saw Guang Wei, they were shocked and worried, although they had pretended to be delighted to see him again. Yue Qin was still overwhelmed with guilt over Jia Yi’s death, and had left with the family to Singapore. She only returned to Ipoh upon hearing that the oil palm plantation was for sale, and came back to buy it.

  Ever since they were reunited, Guang Wei and Yu Hang became the best of friends, and Yu Jie fell in love with Guang Wei again. However, Guang Wei was in love with his brother’s girlfriend, Pauline.

  When Pauline found out that Guang Jie was responsible for the petty thefts that he had made his brother take the blame for, she pitied Guang Wei and drew closer to him. And Guang Wei had like her even before she was with his brother, but kept his feelings bottled up when he saw them getting attached…

  When Guang Jie broke up with Pauline, he thought that his brother was behind the breakup when he saw Guang Wei and Pauline together. Hence Guang Wei had to give Pauline up again to preserve his relationship with his brother.

  At this time, Tian Zhu returned from his studies to find that his father was suffering from liver failure. Just as he was about to offer to donate his liver, his mother told him that he was not their biological son.

  Tian Zhu thus vowed to find his real parents and ask them why they had abandoned him in the first place. Thus he started recording his findings in a diary.

  Tian Zhu was also Yu Jie’s junior in school, and got a job in her company helping with the construction of the resort in Ipoh. He fell in love with Yu Jie, who was in love with Guang Wei. Thus Tian Zhu saw Guang Wei as a love rival.

  Guang Wei hung around with Yu Hang and went racing around with him, so Yu JIe gave him a job as a security guard in her company. At first Tian Zhu did not have a good impression of Guang Wei, but as time went by and Guang Wei helped him on a number of occasions, they became good friends.


  One day, while digging the ground to set the foundation at the construction site, the workers discovered a buried dead body. Yue Qin fainted and was hospitalized. When her husband arrived, she told him that her purpose in buying over the plantation was to keep the body hidden, and did not expect it to be found. Tian Zhu overheard their conversation and started to get suspicious of the couple.

  Tian Zhu’s adoptive mother tried to tell him the truth by showing him the newspaper cutting of the body that was found, but he could not understand her. Later, when Guang Wei was drunk, he told him his own story of how he lost his mother when he was young.

  This got Tian Zhu to suspect that Guang Wei’s mother was the body found at the construction site. When he took a photo of young Guang Wei with his mother and showed it to his adoptive mother, the mute lady immediately brought him to the place she found him and tried to tell him his own story. Tian Zhu finally got the picture!

  One day Guang Wei became Dong Fa’s chauffeur, and saw the tattoo on Dong Fa’s arm. This reminded him of the tattoo that he had seen on his mother’s kidnapper. That was when he realized that Dong Fa was the culprit and vowed to get to the bottom of the story.

  The Start of the Battle Between the two Half Brothers

  Seeing his son’s agony, Jian Cai finally realized that his wife had not eloped but was kidnapped by Dong Fa. However, when he tried to confront Dong Fa and force him to admit his crime, he was involved in an accident instead and became seriously injured. When Guang Wei had found his father, it was almost too late.

  When Yu Jie found out that her father was responsible for death of Guang Wei’s mother and the serious injuries of his father, she tried to persuade him to give up trying to take revenge, and confessed her feelings to him. However, he was adamant that Dong Fa be punished for his heinous crimes.

  When Guang Jie confronted Guang Wei over his father’s injuries, Guang Wei left to avoid further misunderstandings with his brother.

  Later, when Guang Jie was at his father’s bedside, his father awoke and told him the truth about how he became injured. This started to give Guang Jie ideas.


  When Dong Fa saw Jia Yi’s pendent on Tian Zhu, he realized that Tian Zhu was his son, and offered Tian Zhu everything that he owned, after telling Tian Zhu the truth about what had happened twenty three years ago. Tian Zhu forgave his biological father and accepted what Tian Zhu had offered him

  Yue Qin was still guilt ridden about the incident and wanted Dong Fa to truly repent and change his wicked ways, but Dong Fa was too secure with his riches and believed that he was untouchable. This gave Yue Qin a very bad premonition about the retribution that they would experience, especially after seeing how he gave in to everything Tian Zhu wanted.

  One day Guang Jie tried to kidnap Yu Hang, but mistakenly kidnapped Tian Zhu instead. This led to a final shootout between Guang Jie and Dong Fa’s followers, and resulted in Guang Jie’s death.

  As Tian Zhu and Dong Fa were reunited, Yue Qin overheard them and realized that Tian Zhu was Dong Fa’s son.

  Guang Wei suspected that Tian Zhu was his half brother, but could not bring himself to accept him, knowing that he was the son of her kidnapper, although Tian Zhu was also his mother’s son.

  The Long Arms of the Law and the Severing of Ties

  As Guang Wei helped the police in the investigation of Dong Fa’s crimes and corruption, Dong Fa tried to silence him and his father, but Tian Zhu tipped him off and they escaped.

  Guang Wei asked to do DNA testing to find out if the dead body belonged to his mother, but the results came back negative. This was because the evidence had been tampered with, thanks to a laboratory assistant who had been bribed by Dong Fa.

  Meanwhile, Tian Zhu was in a dilemma about being the biological son of his mother’s killer, and was torn between helping his father and bringing her killer to justice.

  When Guang Wei investigated the mystery of the negative test results, he found out about the bribing, and requested for a retest. This time, the results came back positive.

  Then Yu Jie found out that Guang Wei wanted to exact revenge on her father, and she tried to make him drunk to stop him, but to no avail.


  After that Yue Qin tried to warn Dong Fa about Tian Zhu’s unreliability, but they clashed heatedly.

  When Tian Zhu saw Guang Wei and Yu Jie getting along, he was broken hearted and told Guang Wei about his true parentage, only to have Guang Wei give him an earful.    At this time, the police received a document tabulating all of Dong Fa’s crimes, together with hard evidence. Who was the one who had sent it?

  When Guang Wei went to visit his father, he brought along a diary that he had found in Tian Zhu’s room.

  Jian Cai read it and found out all about Tian Zhu from Tian Zhu’s perspective. At this time, Dong Fa and Tian Zhu were hauled up to court, and Dong Fa was sentenced to death. Guang Wei handed in Tian Zhu’s diary as evidence in Tian Zhu’s favour, and Tian Zhu was let off the hook.

  In prison, Tian Zhu received Guang Wei and Jian Cai as his visitors, and was accepted by them into their family. Jian Cai regretted his lack of trust in his wife, which enabled a string of tragedies to happen, and Tian Zhu vowed to turn over a new leaf, and not to let his late mother down again.





  The relationship between Jia Yi and Yue Qin is just like sisters. Both their families decided to stay close after marriage, so that they can look out of each other. Young and pretty Jia Yi attracts many unwanted attention; many men visit the salon just to get a hair wash from her. Jian Cai is a coolie worker who doesn’t earn much. Having a really low self-esteem, he fears that his wife would elope with another man.




  Yue Qin’s husband does vice-businesses. He lusts over Jia Yi and eventually kidnapped and raped her. When Dong Fa realized that Yue Qin was pregnant with his son, he persuaded her to keep the baby and promised that he will divorce Yue Qin. Thinking that his wife eloped with another man, Jian Cai left the village with his two sons. 20 years later, their sons Guang Wei and Guang Jie both became a grown up man.



  Guang Jie has kleptomania, but he never gets caught because Guang Wei will always take the rap for him. Yue Qin and Dong Fa set up their own business, Luo-Lin Group. Yue Qin is still troubled by what had happened 20 years ago, therefore brought over the oil palm plantation to convert it into a golf course. Guang Jie’s financial reporter girlfriend, Pauline, got really curious about Yue Qin and plans to do an interview with her.



  Pauline told Guang Jie that she went to look for Dong Fa. Guang Jie then mentioned to her that Dong Fa were once their neighbor, this gave Pauline a shocked. Guang Jie reminded Pauline to not let his father, Jian Cai, know that she will be interviewing Dong Fa and Yue Qin; this is to prevent his father from remembering the pain of losing a wife.



  Yu Jie brought Guang Wei home to meet her parents and to have a meal. After realizing that Guang Wei is the son of Jia Yi, Yue Qin was traumatized. She gave an excuse that she was not feeling well and refuse to leave her room for the meal with Guang Wei. Yue Qin and Dong Fa remembered the past; throughout these 20 years, Yue Qin had always been living in guilt. She decides to do hire a priest to perform a salvation ritual for Yue Qin at the oil palm plantation before the construction works start.




  It is only when Yu Jie’s friend, Tian Zhu, wanted to donate his live to his father, did he realized that the parents whom had brought him up were not his biological parents, he forced them to tell him who were his parents and his life story. He was told that a mute lady handed him over to the husband when he bumped into her along the river at the oil plantation. There were too many unanswered questions to his birth story, Tian Zhu is determined to find out the truth.



  While digging at the Yue Qin’s construction site, a skull surfaced. And after autopsy, it is confirmed that it belongs to a young female who has been buried approximately 20 years ago, and this made Guang Wei suspect that the female is his mother. Feeling really worried and afraid that Jia Yi’s spirit will return to seek vengeance, Yue Qin decided to perform a ritual for her salvation. While the priest is performing the ritual, Tian Zhu passed by and was attracted to it…



  The autopsy report of the skeleton is out, and through the help of some friends, Pauline managed to get hold of a copy for Guang Wei. The report states that the deceased was badly beaten and suspects that she had been abused. In addition, she gave birth to a child prior to her death. After reading the report, Guang Wei felt relief because his mother was not pregnant then, when she went missing.




  The interview piece that Pauline wrote for Dong Fa was published. Mysterious man saw how Pauline described Dong Fa as a legendary perfect man, and got furious because it was totally different from what he told her about Dong Fa earlier. He got Pauline to meet him at a church, saying that he has something really important for her. But when Pauline arrives at the church, the mysterious man is nowhere to be seen, instead, it is a recorder and photo of a pair of earrings that lies in front of her.



  Someone hands that photo of the earrings to the reception at Luo Lin Business Group, requesting it to be handed to Dong Fa. Dong Fa sees the photo but was puzzled, he suspects that the sender is Pauline, but she denies. Dong Fa started thinking real hard, and then realised that Ben once held those earrings, which belongs to Jia Yi, to question him. He soon changes his suspect of the sender to Ben.



  Pauline got into a car accident which caused her to lose part of her memory; in particular the part which she had actually broke up with Guang Jie. Guang Jie hides the truth from Pauline and proposes to her. Jian Cai worries that Pauline will file a divorce upon regaining her memory, but Guang Jie believes that with sincerity, she will be moved. After seeing how determined his son was, Jian Cai gave in.




  Pauline wants Guang Jie and Guang Wei to have a meal with her. During the meal, Guang Wei realised that Pauline had lost her memory, and was clueless about what had happened during the past few months. She even thought that Guang Wei was a theft and is currently waiting for the court’s hearing. Guang Wei feels that his father should not help his brother cover up the fact that Guang Jie and Pauline had actually broken up; furthermore cheat her into a marriage. However, Jian Cai says that Guang Jie is confident about touching Pauline’s heart once again through his sincerity.



  Guang Jie proposed to Pauline in front of his father, and puts on the proposal ring on her. However, the ring was too small, he tried to force it onto Pauline’s finger but it hurt her, and it was then when Pauline see a flash back. When she got home, she started regaining her memory, remembering what had happened between her and Guang Jie, and also found out that he secretly peeked into her computer. She was traumatized by it all.



  Jian Cai persuaded Guang Jie to let go of Pauline. Guang Jie burst out in anger saying that all females are skittish, just like his mother. He even told his father that his mother is dead! A mysterious man told him that she was pregnant with an illegitimate child 20 years ago, but after birth, she was killed and buried. The set of skeleton that was found at the construction site belongs to her! After hearing the news, Jian Cai fell off the chair in great shock.




  Despite not having the outline of the main architectural design, Tian Zhu showed Dong Fa his design concept for the holiday resort which was themed “city of angels”. Dong Fa made an excuse to have a look at the pendant that Tian Zhu has, but because of a fight that he had with Guang Jie, the pendant fell off, and hence wasn’t with him. Dong Fa was disappointed.。
































