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《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》剧情简介第1-20全集

发表时间:2019-10-31 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)

外文名:In The Name Of Love
集 数:20集
监 制:黄光荣
故 事:刘清盆,陈海兴,谢俊源
电视剧《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》主要演员:
  方展发饰演:宋信仁  陈凤玲饰演:潘小敏  陈欣淇饰演:白小珊
  朱厚任饰演:王伟国  洪慧芳饰演:洪美黛  郭舒贤饰演:宋楚云
  王禄江饰演:方耀良  杨志龙饰演:王家书  曾诗梅饰演:陆玉婵(阿婵)
  陈泰铭饰演:陆志光  陈澍城饰演:白永春  刘谦益饰演:洪财顺(洪伯)
  林梅娇饰演:黄艳秋  有 懿饰演:Laura

电视剧《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》剧情梗概:大结局



  小孩顽皮不堪,信仁几番提醒还是依然故我,女郎也不管,于是信仁便故意打破花瓶,把责任转嫁给小孩,要女郎赔钱。    女郎知道是信仁故意漫天开价,却也爽快还钱,信仁过后才发觉女郎跟小男孩根本没有关系,内疚不已,对女郎留下深刻印象。女郎名叫潘小敏,是名小模特儿,先是和信仁若即若离,欲擒故纵,最后无可自拔地爱上她。与此同时,信仁在街头发现一个落魄少女小珊,以为她无家可归,沦为小偷,于是把她收留在身边,提供她住宿和工作,让小珊深受感动,对他产生爱慕之情。




  伟国无奈,只好请女佣来照顾,没想到女佣在伟国前面对美黛呵护有加,可是当没人在的时候就虐待美黛,与男人暗度陈仓。 伟国发现后,将女佣送走,干脆自己来照顾,只是美黛没有想象中那么容易照料,伟国在心力交瘁之下,也忍不住动手打了美黛一巴掌,自己也痛哭流泪。到最后,伟国决定把美黛送入疗养院…

  宋楚云在一次的车祸中,无心撞死了一名小男孩,就此走不出阴影,把自己封闭起来,不敢再驾车,甚至连过马路也有问题。 楚云的丈夫陆志光,表面上是个好好先生,可是却在背地里养着另一头家,连孩子都有了。楚云过后收到神秘人寄来的照片,这才发现真相,于是要求离婚,什么也不要,只要求带走孩子宇安。在弟弟宋信仁的帮助下,楚云努力走出阴影,开始重新生活,除了回到职场,也积极参加烹饪课程。楚云在烹饪班认识了一名翩翩富商方耀良,开始是拒他于千里之外,可是在耀良的苦心经营下,在各方面帮忙楚云重新站起来,甚至重新回到驾驶盘,楚云最终慢慢接受了耀良的感情。正当楚云以为终于找到幸福的时候,耀良却突然卖屋,打算不告而别,让楚云大受打击。经过信仁的明查暗访,这才发现原来耀良的孩子,就是被楚云撞死的小男孩,耀良是来找楚云报复的。耀良的目的是想要以其人之道,还治其人之身,可是到了最后,耀良良心发现,及时悬崖勒马,放弃了复仇,选择离开楚云。 因为耀良发现,自己已经无可救药地爱上这个女人…



  Song Xin Ren inherits an antique shop from his father. Business is slack, so he often resorts to trickery such as placing some antiques where it is easy for customers to break them unwittingly upon entering the shop. Then, he makes them pay for the damage or buy the piece.  The old-style apartment Xin Ren lives in is also a property he inherited from his father. He and his elder sister, Chu Yun, are co-owners. Its good location finds favour with a developer who sends his staff to collect signatures from occupants to seek an en bloc  sale. Xin Ren is tempted. Unfortunately, his old neighbors, Wang Wei Guo and Hong Mei Dai are reluctant to move and thus, oppose the sale vehemently. Also, Wei Guo is an old employee of the antique shop who has known Xin Ren since he was a boy. Xin Ren has no choice but to reject the en bloc sale.

  One day, a beautiful but aloof woman with a little boy visit the shop. The boy is a handful; despite Xin Ren’s warnings, he continues to misbehave. The woman is oblivious to his behaviour. So, Xin Ren deliberately breaks a vase but pins the blame on the boy, and demands compensation from the woman. She is aware that Xin Ren is seizing the opportunity to quote an astronomical price, but pays up without without any hesitation. Xin Ren laters finds out that the woman is unrelated to the child. He feels guilty and forms a deep impression of her. The woman is Pan Xiao Min, an unknown model. She plays hard to get in a bid to snare Xin Ren who falls hopelessly in love with her subsequently.


  Meanwhile, Xin Ren chances upon a down-and-out young girl, Xiao Shan, on the street. Thinking that she is a homeless girl who has been reduced to being a thief, he takes her in. By offering accommodation and work to her, Xiao Shan is deeply touched and develops feelings for him.

  Xiao Min has an intellectually disabled younger brother. To raise money for his medical fees, Xin Ren goes ahead to sign the en bloc agreement, in the face of opposition from his elder sister and the others. He gives $500,000 to Xiao Min. To his horror, Xiao Min disappears into thin air after she receives the money. Her old residence is vacant. It dawns on Xin Ren that Xiao Min is a bait thrown by the developer to trick him into signing the en bloc agreement. Devastated, Xin Ren starts to lose hope in life and drowns himself in work.

  Xiao Shan feels sad for the despondent Xin Ren. She contributes money and time to help Xin Ren locate Xiao Min. Xin Ren is greatly touched. Subsequently, in a scheme by Hong Caishun the housekeeper, Xiao Shan lies to Xin Ren that she is suffering from a terminal illness and has only three months to live. Xin Ren is deceived and asks for her hand in marriage.

  It is not until the eve of the wedding that Xin Ren discovers the truth about Xiao Shan’s identity. It turns out that she is the daughter of a rich man. Xiao Shan is in a predicament. If she confesses that her terminal illness is a fabrication, the wedding will be called off. Xiao Shan leaves quietly so that Xin Ren and Xiao Min  can be together.

  Wei Guo and Mei Dai have been married for years. They have two sons living apart from them, who are happily married with children and established in their careers. Mei Dai is always suspicious that Wei Guo is carrying on an extramarital affair, causing him much frustration. Wei Guo suspects that he is suffering from senile dementia when he becomes forgetful. Seeking a medical cure, and worrying about being a burden to Mei Dai, he initiates  a divorce.  Mei Dai thinks that Wei Guo is seeking a divorce because of a third party, and when she finds a hotel card in his pocket, is convinced that Wei Guo has a tryst with another woman in the hotel. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She adds insecticide to the dishes she cooks with the intention of killing Wei Guo slowly with poison. But the whole thing backfires on her. It turns out that she is the one suffering from dementia, not Wei Guo.

  On seeing that Mei Dai’s condition is worsening, Wei Guo uses his apartment as a bait to persuade Jia Shu and A-Chan, his eldest son and daughter-in-law respectively, to take care of Mei Dai. In the end, however, the two of them abandon Mei Dai out of frustration. Left in the lurch, Wei Guo hires a maid. Unknown to him, the maid is ever attentive to Mei Dai in front of Wei Guo, but ill-treats her when nobody else is around while carrying on an illicit relationship with a man. When Wei Guo finds out about it, he dismisses the maid to look after Mei Dai himself. Unfortunately, it is not as easy to look after Mei Dai as it seems. Exhausted and exasperated, he loses his cool, slaps Mei Dai and breaks down in tears. Finally, Wei Guo decides to admit Mei Dai into a nursing home…


  Chu Yun knocks down a little boy unintentionally in a fatal accident. From that day onwards, she is haunted by it and shuts herself out. She is fearful of driving a car, and even crossing the road. Lu Zhi Guang, Chu Yun’s better half, appears to be a good husband but has, in fact, a second family. Chu Yun discovers the truth only after she receives a photograph posted to her by a mysterious person. She asks for a divorce and demands nothing except the custody of their son, Yu’an. With help from her brother, Xin Ren, Chu Yun walks out of her dark days to begin life anew. In addition to returning to work, she attends a culinary class enthusiastically. In the class, she meets a rich and dashing businessman, Fang Yao Liang. Initially, she keeps a distance from him, but Yao Liang’s efforts in motivating Chu Yun to live courageously, even succeeding in getting her back behind the wheel, make Chu Yun accept Yao Liang gradually. Just when Chu Yun thinks that she has found happiness, Yao Liang suddenly sells his house and leaves without a word, dealing a big blow to Chu Yun.

  After doing some detective work, Xin Ren finds out that the boy whom Chu Yun ran over is actually Yao Liang’s son. Yao Liang befriends Chu Yun with the intention of seeking revenge and to pay Chu Yun back in her own coin. In the end, however, Yao Liang is guilt-stricken. He drops the idea of revenge and chooses to leave Chu Yun. This is because Yao Liang discovers that he is hopelessly in love with this woman…


电视剧《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》分集剧情介绍:

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第1集剧情


  Episode 1

  The antique shop that Xin Ren inherited from his father is managed by old-time worker, Wei Guo. A developer wants to purchase the condo that both of them are living in, however they disagreed therefore the enbloc isn’t successful. Xin Ren came to know of a rich-man’s daughter, Xiao Min, but he isn’t aware of her wealth; in fact, he thought that she was from a poor background. Xin Ren was deeply attracted to Xiao Min, a charismatic young model, who visited the antique shop one day.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第2集剧情



  Episode 2

  While Wei Guo is on his way to the antique shop, a lady by the name of Ye Ying, approached him seeking for his help. Apparently she lost her wallet and is in a rush to the hospital to see her mother-in-law. Wei Guo was sceptical about it, hence decides to tag along. Mei Dai realises that Wei Guo has forgotten his wallet and mobile phone, decides to give him a chase to hand them over to him. She was furious when she saw Wei Guo entering a cab with a lady.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love分集剧情介绍:第3集剧情


  Episode 3

  Mei Dai finds out that Wei Guo’s savings is missing $2000, and after interrogating him, he tells her that he had lent the money to Ye Ying. He explained that Ye Ying’s husband had passed away a long time ago but even so, she did not leave his mother, instead continued to take care of her. Wei Guo feels that her character is really commendable and he should lend her a helping hand, therefore lent her the money. Mei Dai is at rage after hearing the story and asks for a divorce, but little did she know that Wei Guo will agree.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第4集剧情


  Episode 4

  After learning that Xiao Shan likes Xin Ren, and all the good qualities that he possesses, her billionaire parents decide to match make the both of them. They knew that Xin Ren has yet to fall for Xiao Shan, rather, he has his eyes on another lady. Hence, in order to let their beloved daughter’s wish come true, together with their butler Cai Shun, they came out with a plan to let Xin Ren fall in love with Xiao Shan.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第5集剧情


  Episode 5

  Cai Shun arranged for someone to knock Xin Ren into the swimming pool, allowing Xiao Shan to have a chance to save him and get close to him. However, the plan backfired. Xin Ren was saved by Xiao Min, she tried performing CPR on him. Xiao Shan then appeared, and took over the CPR as what Xiao Min was doing was incorrect, not long after, Xin Ren regain conscious. He thought that Xiao Shan was the one who saved him, Xiao Shan didn’t revealed the truth.。

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第6集剧情



  Episode 6

  Xin Ren’s elder sister, Chu Yun, is in the midst of divorcing his husband after finding out that he has a marital affair. She moved to live with Xin Ren. Chu Yun is afraid to take the wheel again after an accident which happened a couple of years ago. However, Xin Ren forced her to send his son to child care as a first step of stepping out from her past. Soon, she met a man in his mid-thirties, Fang Yao Liang. Noticing how much of a careful driver he is, Yao Liang left a good impression on Chu Yun.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第7集剧情


  Episode 7

  Xiao Min brought Xin Ren to a home, which was in a mess; it lived a mentally disabled young boy, Zhi Hai. Xin Ren thought that he was there to do volunteer work, so started cleaning up the place and even gave the house a new coat of paint. But he was disturbed by Zhi Hai, and when he felt that it was unbearable, he scolded Zhi Hai. It was only then did Xiao Min reveal to Xin Ren that Zhi Hai is his younger brother.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第8集剧情


  Episode 8

  Xin Ren told his sister excitedly that he has a girlfriend, thinking that the girl will be her, Xiao Shan was secretly happy; but who knows, it turned out to be Xiao Min. Xiao Shan was badly hurt and saddened, she ran out of the house, Xin Ren immediately gave chase. When he saw Xiao Shan entering an expensive car, he was shocked.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第9集剧情


  Episode 9

  Thinking that Xiao Shan has a terminal illness and days are numbered, Xin Ren took pity on her and brought her back home. He took care of her so well that shocked Xiao Shan. Seeing that he gave so much attention to Xiao Shan, Chu Yun thought that he was two-timing. She warned him that if he has no feelings for Xiao Shan, he should let her know soon; but Xin Ren explained that he has a reason for his actions.

最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第10集剧情



  Episode 10

  Zhi Hai has brain cancer and is required to fly to New York for his medical treatment. After knowing that his medical bill will be at least $500, 000, Xin Ren decides to help Xiao Min with it; he wants to let his antique out at a low price, however was being stopped by Wei Guo and Chu Yun. After that, he signed the en bloc agreement and requested for the developer to give me $500, 000 immediately. When Chu Yun opposes, the siblings got into a heated argument..

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第11集剧情


  Episode 11

  It is only when Xiao Min disappears suddenly that Xin Ren realises he had been cheated. He cycled vigourously to vent his anger, he even cycled straight into a wall on purpose which got him injured. When Xiao Shan instructed Cai Shun to look for Xiao Min, Cai Shun told Xiao Shan that she should seize this opportunity and support Xin Ren, help him to get back on track and eventually, replace Xiao Min.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love分集剧情介绍:第12集剧情


  Episode 12

  Xiao Shan accepted Xin Ren’s proposal. However, during their wedding preparations, Xiao Shan said that she wants to call off the wedding; this is because her terminal illness was a lie and she does not want the marriage to be built on sympathy. Xin Ren only learnt about Xiao Shan’s wealthy background when Young Chun and Yen Qiu appears.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第13集剧情


  Episode 13

  Despite the unsuccessful en bloc plan, Xin Ren is still required to return $500, 000 to the developer otherwise he will be forced to sell his apartment. Winston felt that it was unfair and said that Xiao Min benefited the most. When Xin Ren tried to help Xiao Min explained to Winston that whatever she did was all to help her little brother, Winston then said that he have never heard that Xiao Min has a brother.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第14集剧情



  Episode 14

  Chu Yun and Yao Liang brought Yu An out to play, however this reminded Yao Liang of his lost son, Yong En, which made him feel dejected. Yao Liang felt a sharp pain in his chest while driving, and in order to send him to the hospital, Chu Yun took the wheel. But in actual fact, Yao Liang was lying; Chu Yun became angry but forgave him eventually. She even told him that she had overcome her fear of driving.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第15集剧情


  Episode 15

  Wei Guo fell and got hurt, Mei Dai thought that he was poisoned from the food which she had spiked after suspecting that Wei Guo has an affair. After hearing from the doctor that he was not poisoned, instead he has high blood pressure, Mei Dai realised that she was the one eating all the spiked food, while her husband has been eating foods with added salt.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love分集剧情介绍:第16集剧情


  Episode 16

  Xiao Min was stabbed by Winston, Xin Ren insisted on staying in the hospital until she wakes up. When Xiao Shan saw how anxious Xin Ren was towards Xiao Min, she knew that he stills bear feelings for her, and decided to leave Xin Ren. Xiao Shan told Xin Ren the truth that she has no terminal illness and should then call off the wedding. She apologised and left.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第17集剧情


  Episode 17

  Xin Ren brought Zhi Hai to pick Xiao Min out from the hospital. When Xiao Min found out that Xin Ren’s wedding has been called off, she was shocked. The three of them then went over to Xin Ren’s place, and when they reached, Xin Ren saw the broken vinyl. He was so furious that he scolded Zhi Hai for spoiling it. Xiao Min felt bad and thought that it was inconvenient for them to stay on, hence decided to move to stay in with Cai Shun.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第18集剧情



  Episode 18

  Chu Yun found out that Yao Liang has migrated; she was saddened as he did not tell her about it. When Chu Yun and Xin Ren discussed about the sudden change of Yao Liang, Chu Yun talks about the times whereby he bought her a care and how she almost hit Yu An. And after that incident, Yao Liang started to stay away from her. Xin Ren smelt something fishy about it; he determines to find out the truth.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情介绍:第19集剧情


  Episode 19

  When Yao Liang went to pay tribute to his son, he met Chu Yun. Chu Yun sincerely apologised to Yao Liang, and forgave him for harbouring the thought of revenge. Yao Liang too, forgave Chu Yun after seeing how much pain she went through after the accident. Chu Yun sees that Yao Liang love Yu An a lot so she decides to let Yu An be Yao Liang’s godson; but Yao Liang didn’t know how to react, he just left.

电视剧最爱是你/In The Name Of Love分集剧情介绍:第20集(大结局)


  Episode 20

  Xiao Shan’s father was hit with a stroke after meeting a huge problem with his business. Cai Shun is unable to contact Xiao Shan, so in desperation, he went to seek help from Xin Ren. Xin Ren decided to go hunt for Xiao Shan base on a postcard. When Xiao Min sees how much Xin Ren is anxious about Xiao Shan, she was sad. When Xin Ren rushed to the airport, he met Xiao Shan… Between Xiao Shan and Xiao Min, who will Xin Ren pick?

