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《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集剧情简介第1-23全集大

发表时间:2019-11-03 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)

外文名:Against The Tide
集 数:23
监 制:苏美莲
故 事:彭凯毅
电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》主要演员:
  李铭顺饰演:狄 深  瑞 恩饰演:邱雪清  陈泂江饰演:周健锋  黄思恬饰演:狄 遥
  张震寰饰演:卓定康  蔡琦慧饰演:张静璇  郑各评饰演:邱刚毅  徐 彬饰演:郭精诚
  包勋评饰演:刘泽邦  袁 帅饰演:郑天瑞  洪慧芳饰演:罗金珠  谢宏辉饰演:Jacob
  冯伟衷饰演:赵克已  黄炯耀饰演:赵俊龙  苏智诚饰演:陈志丰  罗美仪饰演:刘晓静


电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情梗概:大结局















狄深反省了自己的行为,从此不再像以往那么偏激,反而希望通过心理学帮助罪犯改过,性格也变得较为温和了。然而,在这时却出现了一个自称为正义使者,暗中制裁罪犯的“SHADOW WALKER”。狄深成了嫌疑最大的人,加上他一直以来都深信人性本恶,认为人类需要靠教育来抑制想犯罪的欲望,更让人怀疑他也许就是在黑暗中制裁罪犯的“SHADOW WALKER”…

雪清靠着自己独特的感受能力开始加入追查“SHADOW WALKER“的身份,狄深也似乎为了证明自己的清白而参与其中,可是越深入调查,有嫌疑的人却越来越多。案情愈加扑朔迷离。

他们开始发现,这些人的的背后似乎都有一段不为人知的秘密。也许每个人的内心深处都有一股用自己的方式制裁罪恶的欲望,希望成为黑暗中的正义使者,替天行道,“SHADOW WALKER”很可能不只一个人…




雪清渐渐发现狄深的异样,隐隐觉得他和“SHADOW WALKER”似乎有连带关系。在雪清的试探下,狄深终说出了埋藏在心底的秘密……。自此,两人的关系陷入危机。雪清在遭受到多重打击之下,对善恶产生混淆。雪清每次在命案现场投入凶手的心态寻找线索时,都会过度沉溺于凶手的心态思绪而有些入魔,开始产生混乱…





English Synopsis:

It is a quiet and lonely night at the beach. The gentle splashing of seawater creates a sense of serenity. From afar, the sound of a motor being started can be heard. On board a speed boat, the back of a man is seen trying to start the engine, but it splutters and refuses to start.

The man turns around to face a huge black plastic bag. The bag seems to contain a motionless body. Thereafter, the man gets off the speed boat and walks on the beach. He is getting some tools to fix the engine.

A while later, the black bag moves. Suddenly, it is slashed from inside to reveal the sharp edge of a shard. The bag is slashed open and a girl emerges from it, gasping for breath and looking terrified…

The girl undergoes a medical examination that confirms she has suffered sexual and physical abuse. Investigating Officer Zhou Jianfeng comes on the scene and meets Qiu Xueqing, a psychologist. Using hypnosis, Xueqing leads the girl to relive her experience that elicits an important clue. The perpetrator is suspected to be Di Shen, a suspense writer.

Jianfeng uncovers clues that implicate Di Shen in the case. Di Shen also realises that the suspect has enacted the plot of his novel which raises the possibility that he is a fan of his work. To prove his innocence and satisfy his own curiosity, Di Shen gets involved in the case to identify the suspect.


The girl is silenced by the suspect. Xueqing is the only person who have seen him. Xueqing reproaches herself for not doing enough to protect the victim. While working together with Di Shen in the case, she is kidnapped and imprisoned. At the brink of death, an idea came to Di Shen who eventually saved the dying Xueqing.

Xueqing becomes paranoid after recovering from her ordeal. Her insistence on making sure that all doors are locked before and after leaving the house is a clear sign that she has developed obsessive- compulsive disorder. Di Shen does all he can to help Xueqing face her inner fear and overcome it. Xueqing, on the other hand, feels secure in Di Shen’s presence. Their relationship warms up. With help from Di Shen and Jianfeng, Xueqing finally overcomes her fear to appear in public.

The suspect’s identity is exposed, but he disappears with the police in hot pursuit. Shortly after, Jianfeng, upon receiving a tip-off, found the suspect walking on the road in a disoriented state. The suspect admits that he had imprisoned and killed six women. But when questioned about why he ended up on the street, the suspect claims that he was held captive by a mysterious man who subjected him to the same torture that he had inflicted on  his female victims, and forced him to confess to the murders. Jianfeng suspects that someone is secretly sentencing the suspect. Who can it be?

A series of crimes occurred in the fashion of Di Shen’s plots in his novels, as if real-life events are being portrayed on screen. This mysterious man is using unlawful means to mete out justice on suspects who have escaped punishment and forcing them to confess to  their crimes. It is obvious that he is sending out a warning message to lawbreakers. All this reminds Di Shen of what happened seven years ago…

Seven years ago, Di Shen was a University employee who befriended a group of students when he was studying psychology in private. Their failure to find a goal in life caused them to feel lost. Everyone wanted to find a niche for himself to prove his worth.

This group of friends happened to do a good deed one day and became heroes. The immense joy they felt dawned on them that their mission in life was to uphold justice!

Di Shen and his companions carried out  secret missions to uphold justice and even resorted to unlawful means to achieve their goals. They considered themselves dark crusaders of justice, and imagined themselves to be Robin Hood and his merry men. Then a university professor murdered a female student but got away scot-free. While trying to force a confession out of the professor, Di Shen and his teammates accidentally caused his death.


Everyone felt that the female victim’s death was avenged when the professor died, however, Di Shen began to wonder if his sense of justice and taking the law into his own hands was morally right. Then the death of a team member reinforced his belief that what they were doing was wrong. He disbanded the group, left the university and subsequently lost touch with his teammates.

After reflecting on his behaviour, Di Shen gives up his extremist views. Instead, he hopes to reform criminals through psychological methods. He becomes gentle in nature. But now, a self-professed upholder of justice calling himself “Shadow Walker” has surfaced to punish criminals on the quiet. Di Shen becomes the prime suspect. Also, the fact that he believes humans are evil by nature and therefore, they need to be re-educated to curb their criminal tendencies points to Di Shen as the “Shadow Walker”.

Relying on her special ability to feel like the criminal, Xueqing begins to take an interest in the efforts to track down “Shadow Walker”. Di Shen also joins in to prove his innocence. But as the investigations deepen, more and more suspects surface. The suspense escalates.

They begin to realise that every suspect harbours a secret. Perhaps deep down, everyone  wants to be the Dark Knight to uphold justice. “Shadow Walker” may be more than one person.

Ever since she was a child, Xueqing has the innate ability to feel someone’s mood, so she makes use of hypnosis to enter her patients’ subconsciousness. She can also penetrate the criminal’s psyche at the crime scene to reconstruct his criminal trail. Her special ability helps to reduce the time it takes for Di Shen and Jianfeng to deduce the developments of the case and discover new clues.

As the investigations progress, feelings developed between Xueqing and Di Shen and they become a couple. Jianfeng, who hides his love for Xueqing, is heartbroken. But what irks him is that Xueqing continues to trust Di Shen despite all the evidence pointing to his guilt. Jianfeng does not want Xueqing to be deceived, so he is determined to unearth evidence of Di Shen’s guilt and to show his true colours to Xueqing.

Xueqing gradually notices Di Shen’s abnormal behaviour. She has a nagging feeling that he is linked to “Shadow Walker”. Probed by Xueqing, he finally discloses his secret… Their relationship goes into a crisis. Xueqing’s distress resulting from suffering several blows makes her unable to differentiate between good and bad anymore. Every time Xueqing slips into the murderer’s psyche at the crime scene, she is consumed by the character and ends up disoriented…


Di Shen harbours the bitterness that his mother was brutally murdered. As he moves closer to the truth, he discovers that it is not what he has imagined. His long-held belief crumbles, and he is crushed.

Will Di Shen walk out of his gloom eventually and get back to his feet? Will Xueqing get  carried away and turn villainous against Di Shen? Will Jianfeng suppress his obsession to nail Di Shen? What will their love and conflicts lead to?

The three of them are inevitably drawn into the cases. As they close in on the truth, it appears that they are also moving closer to their inner secrets.

Against The Tide will take you on an adventure to explore the mind.。

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集剧情介绍:

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第1集剧情


While suspense novelist, Di Shen, was doing his interview, Agnes managed to escape from the abductor. Psychologist Qiu Xueqing hypnotised her to find out about the abduction. Based on what Agnes described, Inspector Zhou Jianfeng identified Di Shen; however it was then deduced that the suspect might have mimicked Di Shen’s novel to commit the crime.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第2集剧情


Xueqing was abducted by a mysterious man to a dark enclosed room. Di Shen suspected that Zhenye was behind the abduction and shadowed him, however he found nothing. At the same time, Jianfeng did a background check on Zhenye and suspected that he might be the abductor. Xueqing was being tortured in the room all these while, she was in a very dangerous situation…

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第3集剧情



When Di Shen failed to make Zhenye speak, the devil in him rose. He almost killed Zhenye. Due to the lack of concrete evidence, Jianfeng had to release Zhenye. Locked in the car boot, Xueqing struggled for breath; it was her will power that kept her alive. Di Shen and Jianfeng used their own ways to located Xueqing, but Di Shen managed to locate her and safe her first when he made the correct guess.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第4集剧情


A tear bomb was released during Di Shen’s fan meet. Jianfeng decided to allow Di Shen and Xueqing to be involved in the investigation. By their own methods, the three of them deduced the suspect’s background and personality. Di Shen had an opportunity to nab the culprit, however he missed it when he got really worried about his sister, Di Yao.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第5集剧情


Di Shen pursued the case and found out that Dr. Chen Baisheng might know some insights about it. After speaking to him, he suspected Zebang. In the name of saving his younger sister who was very ill, Zebang planted bombs in the hospital and demanded for the hospital to operate on his sister immediately. Xueqing was implicated, Di Shen and Jianfeng both tried to save Xueqing with their abilities…

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第6集剧情


Jianfeng, Jingcheng and pathologist Dingkang met at the crime scene of a murder case. The deceased was a young girl by the name of Xie Anni, and she was being stabbed at her heart. Di Shen and Dingkang met each other, both of them were actually old friends. Dingkang suspected that Di Shen was the mysterious man helping Zebang all the while, Di Shen denied. Gangyi discussed the murder case with Jianfeng and Jingcheng, and they all suspected Zheng Tianrui…


电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第7集剧情


Tianrui had been mentally tortured by his evil thoughts, but with the help of Xueqing, he spoke about the first time he committed the crime. His target was lawyer Zhang Jingxuan. Jianfeng and Gangyi suspected Tianrui, however Xueqing firmly believes that Tianrui was not the one. At last, Tianrui was being abducted by the mysterious man…

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第8集剧情


The mysterious man did a recording and uploaded it onto the internet. He called himself the “Upholder of Justice”. In his video, he told the public that they had 12 hours to vote how they wanted Tianrui to be punished. Xueqing discussed with Jianfeng and Jingcheng about the case and found out that it was once again related to Di Shen’s novel.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第9集剧情


Xueqing helped her uncle to investigate the murder case of Li Aiqin, and with the help of Di Shen, they managed to trace a suspect – Tang Rongyao. Xueqing was reminded about the death of her father, she was devastated once again. Xueqing confined to Di Shen, she told him about how her father was implicated into a murder case and committed suicide 7 years ago.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第10集剧情


Xueqing was grateful that Di Shen helped to return her father a name; their relationship took a step further. Di Shen went back to the places he hung out 7 years ago to reminisce the past, and bumped into Jingxuan coincidentally. When Di Shen found out that Jingxuan had been waiting for him, he rejected her. Dingkang questioned Di Shen’s motive of being close to Xueqing, and warned him not to secretly take justice into his own hands. What secret is Di Shen hiding?


电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第11集剧情


Mysterious man kidnapped Luo Jingzhu, forced her to reveal how she committed the crime, and after which, used back the same methods on her. Under the interrogation of Jianfeng, Jingzhu admits and told Xueqing that her father’s death was indirectly caused by her. Xueqing was traumatised. Jianfeng suspects that Di Shen was the mysterious man however had no proof to warrant his suspicion.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第12集剧情


The case of “the hammering assault” returns, Jianfeng and Jingcheng found Chen Zhifeng who was the mastermind of the previous assault. Jingchen was afraid that Zhifeng will remember what happened 7 years ago, hence become overly suspicious about everything. He followed Zhifeng in the dark and found some possible leads. Then, Zhifeng remembered that Jingcheng was one of the people who attacked him in the past.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第13集剧情


Di Yao kept meeting the same lady at different locations; she suspected that the lady had been following her. Xueqing felt that it is just an illusion; however Di Yao insisted that it was real. Di Yao was then led to her old house by the lady, and was forced to uncover Di Shen’s secrets. Both of them got into a fight, the lady accidentally fell, however the one who was injured happened to be Di Yao…

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第14集剧情


Di Shen agreed to help Jingcheng plan a meet up with Chen Zhifeng to end their grudges, however Jingcheng killed Zhifeng by accident. All was seen by Jianfeng. Jingcheng seeked Di Shen’s help to escape, but bumped into Xueqing which got her suspecting. She informed Jianfeng immediately. When Jingcheng holds onto Xueqing as hostage, he was stabbed to death by Di Yao.


电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第15集剧情


Di Yao couldn’t accept the fact that she killed Jingcheng. Some images flashed through in her mind when she read about a road accident case, it seemed so familiar. What’s weirder was that a guy named Jacob insisted that both of them know each other, but Di Yao had no impression of befriending him. She was in a great state of confusion.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第16集剧情


Keji met up with Xueqing and Gangyi after a long while; throughout this time, he could never forget Xueqing. Though his father, Junlong, had been disapproving him to chase Xueqing as he still had a mission yet to fulfil, Keji confessed his adoration for Xueqing to her. Gangyi suspected that Kenji was related to the “Forest-Hunt” murder case.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第17集剧情


Di Yao was diagnosed with split personality disorder, Xueqing suggested to let her admit into hospital for her treated, however was violently objected by Di Shen. In order to avoid a court case, Di Yao went to apologise to Jacob for assaulting him, she was even humiliated by him. Di Shen couldn’t control any further when he learnt about it, he went forth and punished Jacob by his means.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集介绍:第18集剧情


Xueqing tailed Di Shen and found Jacob’s dead body, she started suspecting Di Shen. She felt really upset when Di Shen refused to be honest with her, and when she found out that Di Shen was hiding a lot from her, she started interrogating him. Di Shen relented and told her the story behind her father’s death.


电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》剧情分集介绍:第19集剧情


Gangyi fell into Keji’s trap and finally saw his true colours, however, that cost his life. Xueqing decided to have a breakup with Di Shen after realising how much he had lied to her. It was a double blow for her when she found out the death of her uncle.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集介绍:第20集剧情

Shadow Walker再次出现在网络上,然而这次竟留下了一些线索,让健锋等人有迹可寻,找到了可疑人物,而此人赫然是定康!健锋深入调查,发现定康、精诚、静璇和狄深都曾在同一间大学念书和工作,怀疑Shadow Walker就是由他们开始的。

Shadow Walker appeared on the internet once again. This time, he left some clues for Jianfeng and his team to track down the mysterious man. And to their surprise, that person is Dingkang! After further investigations, Jianfeng found out that Dingkang, Jingcheng, Jingxuan and Di Shen were all from the same university. He suspected that Shadow Walker started from them.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集介绍:第21集剧情


Xueqing started planning her revenge after learning that Di Shen caused the death of her father. An abduction happened; it involved Jianfeng, Di Shen and Xueqing. Xueqing secretly planned for Di Shen to discover who the murderer of his mother was, and the murderer was also involved in Jianfeng’s younger brother’s abduction case name years ago.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集介绍:第22集剧情


Di Shen found out about Xueqing’s plot of revenge, he decided to turn in to end off all hatred. However, Xueqing’s plan was unstoppable. She and Di Yao, together killed Jingxuan; she wanted Di Shen to lose every single person close to him, wanted him to bear the same misery as she did.

电视剧《逆潮/Against The Tide》分集介绍:第23集(大结局)



After gathering all the evidence, Jianfeng realised that Xueqing was the mastermind, she killed Jingxuan. Heartbroken, Jianfeng gave Xueqing a chance to turn in. Dingkang suddenly appeared and captured Xueqing and Di Yao. He wanted Di Shen and Xueqing to pay the price for killing Jingxuan. Then, a fierce fight began…

