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发表时间:2020-05-03 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)
副题 目#e#

集 数:6集/每集长度45分钟
类 型:爱情,剧情,婚姻
地 区:新加坡
限量爱情重 要演员:郑斌辉,林慧玲,陈凤玲,陈罗密欧,杨伟烈,王禄江,李心钰,蔡琦慧,沈惠怡,冯伟衷,杨志龙


  《限量爱情》,共6集,每集为一个独立故事,讲述当代新加坡情侣/夫妻在爱情及婚姻上所面对的懊 恼。这是一部浪漫搞笑,却又发人深省的剧集,会和观众探讨不婚族、姐弟恋、婚外情等时下风 行的婚恋课题。


  以前,婚姻是一份盟约,一生相守。现今,婚姻变成了一份合约,有时 光性,随时可以解约。随着社会、经济的转型,很多人在婚恋上迷失了方向,无所适从。因此离婚率增 添,爱情变得如此的懦 弱。本剧盼 望通过6个婚恋故事流 露一个讯息。当爱还在,万事都不是事。当爱已远走,无事也变成事…因此,要保 持一段婚恋关系,必 需居 心 肠经营两人之间的‘爱’……

  六个单元故事,六对俊男美女演绎现代都市人的婚恋故事,有浪漫,有无奈,有惹笑。故事的情 感真实,就像周边人物产 生的故事,容易发 生共 识,从故事中得到反思…

  Marriage used to be a vow of eternal companionship. These days, marriage has simply become a document with a timestamp, and one which you can void when things don’t go your way.

  As society develops, many of us get helplessly lost in the pursuit of love and marriage, with no guide as to which step to take. Divorce rates are at an all-time high, and love is now a fragile concept.

  Love? presents six short stories that are romantic, hilarious yet at times poignant and thought-provoking,  portraying the marriage and love woes of modern Singaporeans.

#p#副题 目#e#

  This drama hopes to convey this key message throughout the six love stories: As long as there is love, we can overcome any problem. And if there is no love, everything seems to become a problem. A sustainable relationship requires meticulous care and sacrifices on both ends of the rope.



  演员:王禄江Bryan Wong、李心钰Belinda Lee

  Bryan与Belinda同是天涯沦落人,并非其貌不扬,但变成剩男剩女。两人加 入相亲,发 明彼此的目 的一致而一拍即合。两人抱着以结婚为前提来 往,盘 算在一年内结婚,积极加 入婚前准 备班,筹 备婚礼,没有情 感基 本的婚姻,可行吗?

  Story One

  Cast:Bryan Wong, Belinda Lee

  Bryan and Belinda are both on the same boat in a rat race for romance. Both are not unattractive, yet they are unable to get hitched. In a last-ditch effort, two of them decide to cast away all inbitions and go for a matchmaking session. They met and clicked instantly. Dating with the intent to marry within six months, the pair enters into a marriage preparation stage. Would a marriage without a relationship work?


  演员:冯伟衷Aloysius、蔡琦慧  Paige Chua

  Rachel曾经在情 感上受过损 害,在情 感空虚之际,她遇上了Aloysius。 Aloysius年 青俊朗,风 趣幽 默,条件优 胜,唯一的毛 病是比Rachel年 青10岁。Rachel已经事业有成,而Aloysius还在念大学。两人产 生一夜情,Aloysius对Rachel恋恋不忘,展开寻 求。Rachel欣然接 收,两人展开高调的爱情。有人爱 慕,有人妒忌,有人取笑。两人阅 历了甜 美、差距、抵 触。最后因为异地而分 别,若干年后,Aloysius回国,两人还能再续旧情吗?

  Story Two

  Cast:Aloysius, Paige Chua

  In the midst of nursing a break-up, Rachel meets Aloysius. Aloysius is everything she could ask for – dashing, humorous and excels in everything he does –  he is, however, 10 years younger. While Rachel has carved a career for herself, Aloysius has yet to graduate from university. A one-night stand leads them to developing lingering feelings for each other, and Aloysius springs into a relentless pursuit. Surprisingly, Rachel accepts his feelings and they enter a high-profile relationship. Some are jealous and envious, some are scornful. The ultimate test of their love comes when Aloysius has to leave the country to further his studies. After many years, will their love still be as strong?

#p#副题 目#e#


  演员:陈罗密欧Romeo Tan、沈惠怡Sheila Sim

  Romeo是求婚谋 划师,善 于为客户谋 划浪漫的求婚仪式。与Sheila从中学拍拖至今,已经10多年。对Romeo来说结婚是一处可 怕惊悚悬疑片。两人底 本协 定不结婚,但在亲朋戚友的压力下,加上Sheila怀孕,两人迫不得已必 需正视婚姻这个问题。在准 备婚礼的进 程中,两人的价值观明 显地不同,开 端认真思考对方的定位...

  Story Three

  Cast:Romeo Tan, Sheila Sim

  Romeo is a marriage proposal planner who specialises in customizing romantic proposals for his clients. Yet, he is hesitant to propose to his girlfriend of ten years, Sheila. To Romeo, a marriage is akin to a horror movie and he is not prepared to take the leap of faith. As her friends are getting hitched one after another, Sheila urges Romeo to tie the knot to which he reluctantly agrees. But as they went along with the wedding preparations, they realise critical differences in their life values and start to review the significance of each other in their lives.


  演员:陈凤玲Felicia Chin、Bobby Tonelli

  Felicia性 情内向,30岁的她在一间公司当receptionist。她的生 涯只有两点一线,苦闷死 板。由于样子长得不错,公司里的送信员对她倾 慕已久,但Felicia无动于衷。本 来Felicia心有所属,她与美籍网友Tony网恋,Tony善解人意,温 顺体贴。Felicia在Tony面前展 现的是截然不同的一个人,热 忱奔放。Felicia把全副心思都放在Tony身上,但发 明Tony竟然是网络骗子…

  Story Four

  Cast:Felicia Chin, Bobbi Tonelli

  Felicia is an introverted, 30-year-old receptionist. Her life is mostly routine and boring. Nonetheless, she is a pretty girl with no lack of suitors in her company. Felicia is unmoved as she is already in an online relationship with Tony - a sweet and understanding American. Felicia becomes uncharacteristically passionate in front of hm. She invests heavily in this relationship, only to find out that Tony is an online scammer.


  演员:杨伟烈Jerry Yeo、王智荟 Kimberly Wang

  我是一个普通的IT男,女朋友叫Kimberly (王佳佳)。Kimberly很好,只是偶尔会闹性 格。兄弟们不懂 得为什么我能够包容Kimberly,因为我爱她呀。Kimberly终于肯嫁给我,Kimberly请 求婚礼要豪 华一点,我批 准。一生只结一次婚,豪 华是必 需的。怎么知道,预算超支,让我背上卡债。结婚那天,姐妹团百般折磨我,让我与兄弟团没面子,我忍无可忍,不要结婚算了。花了一大笔钱,却结不成婚,我到底怎么了?

#p#副题 目#e#

  Story Five

  Cast:Jerry Yeo, Kimberly Wang

  I am a regular IT engineer with an extraordinary girlfriend and her name is Kimberly. She is not a princess but certainly has the traits and aura of one. My pals cannot understand my tolerance towards her. Well, I question myself at times too, and I would ask her the reason for treating me like a slave. Her reply – if this is true love, I should accept her no matter what. She has a point. It is my greatest wish in life to be able to marry her after all. But on this wedding day, I am starting to doubt. Is this what love truly entrails?


  演员:郑斌辉Tay Ping Hui、林慧玲Rebecca Lim

  Tay与Rebecca事业有成,夫妻情 感恩爱,是羡煞旁人的一对。世事哪有如此完 善?事实上,两人的情 感淡如水,各自生 涯,双方的唯一接 洽是他们的‘儿子’狗狗一只。Tay与诊所的女护士有私情。Rebecca知道此事却不作声。Tay对Rebecca有歉疚,坦言回到家里还是会尽丈夫的义 务。然而,很快的Tay发 明Rebecca与公司主管发展办公室恋情。此刻,离婚似乎是唯一的前 途。两人开 端掠 夺财产,甚至两人共同拥有的狗也在掠 夺战中,忘 却了当初两人是何等的深爱着对方…

  Story Six

  Cast:Tay Ping Hui, Rebecca Lim

  Tay and Rebecca are successful individuals with respective flying careers. They are a loving couple whom many are envious of. But do you really think there could ever be such a wonderfulcouple as them? In reality, they are cold and distant from another, to the extent of living separate private lives. The only connection between them is their dog, which they come to love like a son. Tay is in an extramarital relationship with the nurse at his clinic. Rebecca is aware but she does not raise an issue with it. Tay feels a little guilty towards Rebecca, and promises that he would still fulfil his duties as a husband when he is at home. He eventually discovers that Rebecca is also in a relationship with her boss. Divorce seems like the only option at this juncture. The two of them get into an ugly dispute while trying to split their assets, even the dog they shared. It seems as if they have totally forgotten how much in love they were before.

