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《分手快乐/Let It Go》分集剧情简介第1-13全集大结

发表时间:2020-05-06 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)
副题 目#e#

电视剧:《分 别快 活
外文名:Let It Go
集 数:13集
类 型:爱情,剧情,婚姻
地 区:新加坡
演 员:欧萱,黄俊雄,苏智诚,王欣,姚懿珊
电视剧《分 别快 活/Let It Go》重 要演员:
  欧 萱饰演:梁语嫣Yan    撰写"分 别快 活"的博客
  黄俊雄饰演:周光 亮Mark   自由摄影师
  苏智诚饰演:文雄强/阿Man  著 名化 装师
  王 欣饰演:杜佳仪     空姐,Yan的好友

电视剧《分 别快 活/Let It Go》剧情梗概:大结局

  「分 别」,为什么必 定要苦 楚、难过?怎么让自己「分 别」后,依然微笑过日子呢?没有谁能把谁的幸福没收,「分 别」后,学会放下难过,持 续「快 活」。

  Yan Neo(梁语嫣)是个因撰写‘分 别快 活’故事而小著 名气的博客(blogger),至今已有10段分 别经验的Yan,不仅在blog上分享自己的分 别故事,也上传了每段恋情里,男主角们的庐山真面目供读者‘观 赏’,唯独第5段分 别的男主角,至今仍然是个谜。

电视剧分 别快 活/Let It Go分集剧情

  报刊记者Judy约见Yan做拜 访,却处处针锋相对,本 来Judy对Yan的风 格,什是反感;Judy以 为Yan大谈分 别后,如何让自己快 活的做法,等同间接激 励读者们轻易废 弃恋情,转 达不良讯息;然而,事实上Judy也正面临着一段纠缠不清的地下情。

  杜佳仪是与Yan同住的多年好友,身为空姐的佳仪有个要好的男友Ethan。Ethan诞 辰当天,佳仪满心欢 乐要给Ethan一个惊喜,成 果惊见Ethan劈腿!佳仪一怒之下,大闹跳楼。。。幸好Yan及时赶至,不但说服了佳仪废 弃轻生念头,更让Judy有所领悟,毅然决 议和自己纠缠多年的男友上司 ‘分 别快 活’!

  Yan如此保 持 ‘分 别快 活’,其实是因为一个叫Joyce的女孩。 Joyce是Yan和佳仪的中学好友;15岁那年,Joyce因一段无疾而终的恋情,一时想不开,赔上了可 贵的生 命。Yan对此事一直耿耿,深信当时若有人能在Joyce身边开解她、陪 同她,让她清 楚‘分 别快 活’的道理,悲剧就不会产 生。

#p#副题 目#e#

  当Judy懂 得了Yan‘分 别快 活’的意义后,邀Yan为报章撰写专栏,盼 望通过 火享‘分 别故事’治愈更多读者。

  化 装师Man(文雄强),是Yan同住房客,两人也是无说不谈的知己好友。为艺人和模特儿化 装的Man,自认引领潮流,对漂 亮有着自己的保 持!但,Man和佳仪却彼此看不顺眼对方!名副其实一对欢 乐冤家。

  Yan本认 为佳仪和Ethan分 别后,会顺利‘放下’,并很快能快 活起来;怎知,事与愿违,佳仪非但走不出分 别的苦 楚,还想与Ethan复合;此举遭Yan强力反对!佳仪不解Yan为何非要她和Ethan分 别不可?两个好友产 生了冲突,友 谊备受考验!。

  为了向佳仪证明Ethan是个花心汉,Yan通过Man找来了待业摄影师Mark帮忙。可是她没想到,Mark本 来是个道德观念极重的‘超级保守正 直男’!面对Yan请 求自己去偷拍别人的隐私,Mark断然谢 绝,还与Yan大唱反调,Yan气恼不已,干脆自己动手拍Ethan的‘花心’证据。

  Yan对佳仪的居 心良苦,反被Mark误 解;但两人不打不相识,虽然彼此对‘分 别快 活’的观点各持己见,但经过一次又一次,双方一起为朋友和读者们 求‘分 别快 活’的阅 历后,Mark逐渐发 明Yan的可爱之处,也更清 楚Yan所谓‘分 别快 活’的真正意义。两人更阴差阳错,当上了彼此的假情人。

  一直在blog 里以自己分 别经验大谈如何治疗情伤的Yan,常把分 别的过 错归 罪在另一方身上,渐渐的她在自己的爱情里,不自觉的筑起了厚厚的‘防护墙’。她不再轻易信 任爱情,更不敢全心全意的为爱付出,成了爱情里最容易撒 手喊cut的那个人,因为她以 为自 动提出分 别的人,能伤得轻一些。。。直到Mark鲁 莽地闯入了她的爱情世界里,一切突然变得让她措手不及。

  眼见Yan和Mark彼此开 端有一点动心时,Yan的第5任前男友Daniel突然呈 现。。。为了不让自己与Mark的友 谊变成爱情,Yan借着与Daniel‘复合’的机 遇,顺理成章地与Mark划清界 线;但Yan万万没料到, Mark反而以求救方 法,向她请 求‘分 别快 活’治疗情伤。

  所谓患难见真情,一度认 为自己得了绝症的Man,发 明了佳仪对自己的关 怀和呵护后,虽知佳仪心系Mark,还是豁出去向佳仪告白,积极展开寻 求举 动!可是,在一次意外中,Man右手受伤后,面对必 需和事业‘分 别’的厄运,没有事业的Man再也没勇气去爱佳仪,只想撮合Mark和佳仪,盼 望佳仪如愿嫁给Mark,但Mark心里惦 记的却是Yan。

  四人顿时陷入了爱与不爱的情 感纠葛中,最后毕 竟是‘分 别快 活’? 还是‘牵手幸福’呢?

  分 别快 活,祝你快 活,你可以找到更好的。。。

  分 别真的能快 活吗?Yan最终到底能不能和不快 活的自己‘分 别快 活’呢? 

  Why are breakups often filled with pain and sorrows?  How does one move on with smiles on their faces?  No one can take anybody’s happiness away. Let go of the heartaches and move on to happiness.

#p#副题 目#e#

  Yan Neo (Jeanette Aw) is a blogger who shot to fame for baring her multiple breakup experiences. Not only does she detail her failed relationships on her blogging space, she exercises no discretion when it comes to shaming her exes.  There is, however, her fifth ex-boyfriend who has never been exposed.

  A newspaper reporter, Judy interviews Yan. Judy is not in favour of Yan’s post-breakup approach. She feels that Yen is asserting a negative influence over her readers to give up on their relationships easily. In fact, Judy is tangled in an underground relationship.

  Yan co-habits with her long-time bestie, Du Jia Yi (Mindee Ong). Jia Yi is a flight attendant and has a close boyfriend, Ethan. Jia Yi plans a surprise on Ethan’s birthday but catches him in bed with another girl! Shattered from the sight, she attempts suicide. Yan makes it in time to stop her. Witnessing this episode, Judy breaks off from her unstable relationship with her boss.

  There is a reason to Yan’s happy breakup theories. Yan once had a secondary schoolmate, Joyce whom she was extremely close to. They were 15 years old then. Unable to deal with the pain of a breakup, Joyce committed suicide. Up till now, Yan still feels pretty choked about this incident and firmly believes that the tragedy would not have happened if someone was there for Joyce, to help her let go of the relationship and move on,.

  Won over by Yan’s approaches to happy endings, Judy invites Yan to start a column on breakup experiences, hoping that her stories could “heal” readers.

  Ah Man (Calvin Soh), a makeup artist, is Yan’s tenant; they are close friends who keep no secrets from each other. As a makeup artist for celebrities, Ah Man claims to be a trend-setter with an exquisite eye for beauty. However, Ah Man and Jia Yi find each other a pain in the neck.

  When Jia Yi broke up with Ethan, Yan thinks that Jia Yi is able to let go and move on happily. Little did she know that things have backfired. Yan finds out that Jia Yi is harbouring hopes on reuniting with Ethan and is strongly against it. Jia Yi does not understand why Yan is so against this relationship. Their friendship sours.

  To prove Ethan is a womanizer, Yan engages Mark Chow (Elvin Ng) a freelance photographer under the recommendation of Ah Man. To her surprise, Mark (Elvin Ng) is a conservative man with a strong sense of integrity. Mark refuses Yan’s request to snoop around taking pictures of cheating partners. Angered by the rejection, Yan takes matters into her own hands.

#p#副题 目#e#

  Mark misunderstands Yan’s well intentions for Jia Yi. Both of them have conflicting views over how one should move on happily. As time goes by, Mark sees the good in Yan and understands Yan’s beliefs. In a strange twist of events, the two of them become pseudo-lovers.

  Of the times she bares her relationship woes on the blog, Yan blames the other party for the failed relationship. Gradually she has her emotional walls up. She does not believe in love that easily anymore. She reserves her feelings and gives up on a relationship readily to avoid falling into deeper misery. That is until Mark recklessly enters into her life.

  Just when Yan and Mark develop feelings for each other, Yan’s fifth boyfriend, Daniel appears. To avoid moving on to the next stage with Mark, Yan patch things up with Daniel and draws a line between the both of them. This time, Mark seeks her to heal him from the breakup.

  As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. When Ah Man mistakenly believes he contracted a terminal illness, he discovers Jia Yi’s care and concern for him. He knows that Jia Yi only has eyes for Mark but goes for the broke and confesses to Jia Yi.  He starts to pursue her. Later in an accident, Ah Man injures his right hand. Having to lose his career over the injury, Ah Man has no courage to pursue Jia Yi any further. He hopes to fulfill Jia Yi’s dreams of marrying to Mark. However, Mark only has Yan in mind…

  The four of them are caught in a love rectangle… In the end would it prevail happiness through letting it go or holding onto tightly to each other?

电视剧《分 别快 活/Let It Go》人物介绍:

  梁语嫣(Yan Neo):欧萱   

  33岁。美女时尚。单身。著 名博客 (blogger) 。为人重义气,嘴硬心软。与母亲离 开住,有两个哥哥,父亲早逝。因在坎坷爱情路上无数次受伤后,而变得‘强悍’,久病成医,每一次分 别,让她变得更理 解维 护自己,却也导致她渐渐对爱情失去了信 赖和信 念。一直养着第5任男友留给自己的可爱龙猫,潜意识等 待着男友有日会回来找自己。

  Yan Neo: Jeanette Aw  

  A fashionable 33-year-old single blogger, Yan Neo is known for explicitly baring her breakup experiences and shaming her exes online. Tough on the ouside, soft on the inside, Yan is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She appears to be emotionally stronger after each breakup but her confidence in relationships dwindles. She keeps a Chinchilla, a gift from that special ex-boyfriend, in the hope that he would come back for her one day.

#p#副题 目#e#

  周光 亮(Mark Chow):黄俊雄

  35岁。单身。自由摄影师。仁 慈。为人木纳,不多话。道德观念重。来自小康之家,父母亲 热慈 祥。对爱情从一而终。擅拍黑白照,诚如他的性 情一样,处事黑白分明。自从初恋女友突然与自己分 别后,因‘横死’的爱情得不到‘安葬’,一直无法再投入第二段恋情。直至遇上了Yan以后,他开 端学会‘分 别快 活’,放下旧恋情的伤。

  Mark Chow: Elvin Ng

  An emotionally unavailable bachelor, Mark Chow is a 35-year-old freelance photographer; Mark is a man of few words and has a strong sense of integrity. He is born in a well-off family and his parents are kind and loving. He is faithful when it comes to love. He is good in taking black and white photographs, which is a reflection of his own personality; he sees things in black and white. Mark is unable to move on his first love because there was no proper closure to it. Mark learns to let go the pain and move on from his first love after he meets Yan.

  文雄强(阿Man): 苏智诚

  35岁,男。著 名化 装师。自称Sensitive New Age Guy。敏感、多情爱哭。不惜穷一生,寻找自己柏拉图的爱侣。来自马国。出 生清 贫,由母亲带大,家里兄弟姐妹多。孤身寡人来新加坡闯出了花 样。与Yan同一屋檐下,是无所不谈的BFF男闺蜜。比女人爱美。深信男人可以MAN得很温 顺。酷 爱自己的工作,感 到眼线是他当化 装师的自尊,却不知道其中也包 含着他不敢以‘真面目示人’的自卑。

  Ah Man: Calvin Soh

  A well-known 35 years old makeup artist from Malaysia, Ah Man calls himself a Sensitive New Age Guy as he is sensitive and a sentimental weeper.  Ah Man is born to a poor and large family that is single-handedly cared for by his mother. His ambition is to make a name for himself in             Singapore.  He is Yan’s tenant and they are close friends that keep no secrets from each other. He extremely vain and strongly believes that men possess a gentle side too. Ah Man is passionate about his job and the eyeliner he wears is the pride of his makeup career. Unknown to                   others, he uses the eyeliners to mask his inferior complexity.


  33岁,空姐。温 顺仁 慈。小女人。平时脆 弱,但被激怒时,会突然很Man。 与Yan同住的同 窗兼好友。爱心泛滥,容易呵护弱者,信 任爱情,但男友却背着自己劈腿。暗恋着Mark。虽然与Man常斗嘴,但发 明Man得了绝症后,却不记前嫌,一心帮Man完成幻 想,让Man激 动不已,认定佳仪就是自己等 候的已久的真爱。

#p#副题 目#e#

  Du Jia Yi: Mindee Ong

  A 33 years old flight attendant, Jia Yi is sweet and gentle ladykin. She appears to be weak but transforms into a stronger person when angered. Jia Yi is Yan’s roommate, classmate and also her bestie.  She is protective over the weak; believes in love yet dates an unfaithful man. Jia Yi            develops a crush on Mark.  Although she always bickers with Ah Man, she buries the past and helps Ah Man wholeheartedly to achieve his dreams when she finds out that he is terminally ill. This touches Ah Man and convinces him that Jia Yi is the one he has been waiting for.

