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发表时间:2020-05-06 | 美丽屋女人网(mei55.cn)
副题 目#e#


  给你一张机票,不告 知你去哪里 !

  给你一个行李箱,不告 知你装了什么 !

  什么都不流 露的行程,你敢赴约吗?

  全新八集资讯娱乐节目《行李箱》,将借助神秘行李箱为线索,把主持人带上意想不到的旅程。旅程有的令人心惊胆跳、有的令人腰酸背疼,有的要人机 警醒目、有的要拿出终 生的胆识、奋勇和毅力去应对。上刀山下火海,主持人一路将有行李箱陪着,行李箱有时是最佳拍档,有时又是讨厌的绊脚石,一路跌跌撞撞,跟主持一块儿饱尝冷暖。


  在悬疑神秘的背后,《行李箱》邀请观众一起航向未知,迎接不知道、不筹 备才有的出 色。有点紧张有点等 待,或许才是痛快人生!


  Hand you an air ticket – without telling you the destination.

  Give you a luggage – without revealing what’s inside.

  Do you dare to accept an invitation – without knowing what’s planned ahead?

  LUGGAGE, a brand new 8-episode infotainment programme, will take the host to embark on an unexpected journey led by a mysterious luggage case. May the journey be nerve wrecking, back breaking, or mind boggling, challenging the host to gather all his wits, courage, and perseverance to go past the presented obstacles. The luggage will accompany the presenter, sometimes being his best companion, sometimes being an annoying hindrance, experiencing the ups and downs together with him no matter the circumstances.

  Along with a mysterious itinerary, LUGGAGE invites the audience to embrace uncertainties and dive into the unchartered. Some say there’s more surprise without preparation. What is there to life without a little nervousness and anticipation?

电视剧《行李箱/LUGGAGE #p#副题 目#e#》分集剧情介绍:

1)“冰淇淋” 村怪 僻历险记

主持人王沺裁第一次被“流放 ”到某个偏远的奇 怪村落。且别说全 部村 落连一台电话都没有,连房子都古怪 僻怪,长得像 ——冰淇淋!为什么他们被房子建成这等怪模样?而且还老老少少几十个人挤挤住在一起?这趟旅程不但没有冰淇淋可以慰 问,沺裁还得亲眼见证村里人人爱 好的皮鞭暴力!村里人很少跟外界交 往,更奇 异的是他们越是见血就越开心,怎么会这样?这处 所风 气这么怪异,万一状 态产 生又呼救无门,沺裁要怎么待下去?

1) Adventures in the "Ice-cream Village"

Our host Thomas Ong has never been "exiled" to such a strange village. There are neither phones nor cellular signal within reach, and even the houses look weird, they are shaped like… ice cream! But why are they built this way? Why do different generations of people live together in squeezed spaces? Alas, there is no ice cream to comfort Thomas for making it here, but on top of that he has to witness the eccentric celebration of frenzied whipping! It seems the villagers are not keen to contact the outside world, but why the lust for blood and pain? Stuck in such a bizarre – not to mention isolated village, how could Thomas find help if things go wrong?


夸 大的打 扮、神秘的花 招、搞怪的性 情 ——王沺裁底 本对小丑避而远之,可是”行李箱”竟把他交给了一群小丑,还要他向他们拜师学艺!这群小丑非比寻常,他们是慈善小丑,专门把欢 喜和关 心送给须 要辅 助的人。有些人因病痛住院,有些年老体弱,他们怎么可能开怀大笑?笑一笑,难道就能解决问题吗?小丑课会不会让王沺裁出尽洋相,形象全毁,变成大家的笑柄?有人说 “欢笑是最佳良药”,沺裁这趟将亲身 材验这句话的含义,他对快 活,对关 心别人,从此将感受不同。

2) Clown Therapy

Exaggerated costumes, mysterious tricks, and waggish personalities, Thomas Ong had always avoided clowns, but on this trip, “LUGGAGE” takes him to apprentice right under such a group. But not just any group of clowns, they are charity clowns, clowns who deliver joy and care to people in need. But how could you make someone laugh heartily when weak from illness or old age? Can laughter solve anything at all? Will Thomas’ class in clowning ruin his image and make a fool and laughing stock of himself? On this trip, our host gains first-hand experience on the saying “Laughter is the best medicine”, opening up a new understanding towards happiness and caring for others.

#p#副题 目#e#

3) 原住民荒地求生记

这回,行李箱将王沺裁带到南澳最大的山脉,早年曾吸引洋人来此畜牧,成 果大大损 坏了生态环境,也不可扭转地转 变了原住民的生 涯方 法。沺裁将在原住民的教 诲下学习旱地求生的古老智慧。一眼望去风沙滚滚的贫瘠土地,哪里有得吃?在沙漠寻找水源,要怎么看蛛丝马迹?不毛之地到底有什么宝贝 ?这处 所到现在都还是与世隔 断,沺裁只能硬着头皮,跟紧原住民古老而生 疏的脚步,做到绝境逢生 !

3) Survival in the Wilderness

LUGGAGE takes Thomas Ong to the largest mountain range in South Australia, an eco-system that had been damaged by western animal herders thus permanently changing the way of life for the aboriginals. Under the teachings of an aboriginal, Thomas learns how to hunt food in barren land and find water by taking notice of subtle clues. What treasures lie beneath the desert? In this derelict land, Thomas has no choice but to follow the unfamiliar steps of the aboriginals to survive.

4) 再见,海马!

这一集,王沺裁加 入马来西亚环保团队和谷歌合作的 Trekker全景拍摄打 算,划皮艇摄录大马两千公里的海岸景 致。马来西亚多年来力求发展,生态和经济之间的抵 触异常尖 利。王沺裁到柔佛新山划皮艇,更深深领 会到这一点。蒲莱河口曾拥有全世界最巨型的海草之一,其中黄金海马是海床里最可 贵的生物。然而那里正如火如荼进行填海,沺裁是否抢得及记 载它最后的漂 亮 ? 最早的海上原住民史明达族原 来就放不下海洋,新山的船运工业和沿海发展又逼得他们无处容身。沺裁从海上看柔佛,一路挖 掘鲜为人知的彼岸故事

4) Farewell Seahorse!

In this episode, Thomas Ong takes part in Google’s Trekker Loan Programme in collaboration with a Malaysian environmental Group. Their goal: To kayak through a 2000-kilometer coastal line to capture the fading scenery. As Malaysia strives for development, conflict between economic growth and environmental preservation has been increasing. Thomas gains a deeper understanding of this as he kayaks in the River of Pulai in Johor Bahru. Once having one of the world’s largest seaweed, it is home to the Yellow Seahorse. But as projects of land reclamation are pushes ahead, does Thomas have enough time to record its beauty? At the same time, the earliest human inhabitants of the sea, the Orange Seletar, are being forced to abandon their homes by the development of the coastal industries. Gazing Johor Bahru from the sea, Thomas explores the less-known story at the opposite shores.


#p#副题 目#e#

5) 王沺裁要当爸爸了!

这一集,主持人王沺裁要当爸爸了!而且一当,就得当起 300个“ 孩子”的爸爸,对他们仔 细照 顾。义 务地点就在一所野活 泼物拯救中心。该中心收 容的动物种类繁多,从袋鼠、无尾熊、鸟类、蜥蜴到羊鸡狗儿全 体都收。要命的是,全 部中心的负责人就只有一位!沺裁新任超级奶爸,是越帮越忙,还是让人刮目相看?动物刹 那生 命垂危,他有才 能在第一时 光进行终极挽 救吗?生态维 护者这些年一直在尽 力回升原活 泼物的数量,沺裁这次走到最前线,为这艰 巨的工程尽一点力。

5) I’m the Dad of the Year!

In this episode, Thomas is due to become a daddy! And a daddy to 300 “children”, no less. His mission takes place in a wildlife animal rescue centre. There are many types of animals housed here, from the iconic kangaroo to koala bears, birds, lizards and abandoned farm animals. Astonishingly, the Centre is run by only one lady! As a newly-minted “dad”, is Thomas going to be more of a hindrance than a help? When lives are at stake, can he make a life-saving difference? Thomas joins the front line to help a convervationalist recover the population of native animals.

6) 至冬极夜北极行

披上层层冬装的主持人王沺裁筹 备一路向北,直到人类文明的止 境!他的目 标地是挪威的朗伊尔城,也是世界最北端的城镇。这里冬天几个月完 整没有阳光,为什么还住了两千人?当中还包括几百个泰国人!这群泰国人为什么分 开阳光灿烂的家 乡,来这里“住冰箱”?朗伊尔城也有许多从事另类工作的居民,有经营狗拉雪橇的,有成天以逐北极光为目 的的景 象学家。沺裁将试着走进他们的世界,懂 得他们的韧性和保 持!

6) Heading to the Arctic extreme

Presenter Thomas Ong is all decked out in countless layers because he's heading north to the very edge of human civilisation! His destination is Norway's Longyearbyen, the northernmost city in the world. There is no sunshine for months in end during winter, so why do 2000 over people still insist on living here? There are even hundreds of Thais here - why did they leave behind their ever sunny tropical homeland for life in a "freezer"? Longyearbyen is also home to people with unusual jobs, including dog-sledders and meteorologists bent on chasing auroras. Thomas is welcomed into their world to understand the resilience and determination of these hardy folks.

7) 街边摊,我来啦!!!

行李箱这次把王沺裁拉上街 ——街边小贩人数介于20多万到 50万之间,在这个快速发 明巨额财富的幻 想之都,以各自的拿手绝活喂饱白领蓝领、学生主妇和律师头家。沺裁这回要帮小贩大哥做美味的路边三明治,还要帮忙售卖给各路人客。在车声人声中做生意,万一 “地牛” 跑来搅局,手忙脚乱该怎么办?沺裁尝试做个大都会的底层人,体验摊贩大哥的生 涯,通过他们刻苦斗 争的故事,去懂 得这座承载着千万印度人幻 想的城市。

#p#副题 目#e#

7) Street Food, Here I Come!

In this episode, LUGGAGE takes Thomas Ong to the streets. In this city of dreams and fast fortune wonders, estimates put the number of street food vendors between 200 thousand and 500 thousand, each with their own unique recipe to feed people from all walks of life, including white collars, blue collars, students, housewives, lawyers and bosses. Thomas is tasked to help a vendor make delicious sandwiches and sell them to passers-by. But what if the law enforcement officer comes and he can’t cope up? Thomas experiences the life of an underclass in a mega city through the work of a street vendor, and by witnessing their struggles, gain a better understanding of this city supporting the dreams of millions of Indians.

8) 为你建个家

2013年 11月9 日,菲律宾遭 遇了史上最强台风 ——海燕的侵袭,导致至少6300人死亡,灾区基 本设施大面积被毁,数百万人流离失所。台风一年后,灾后重建进展迟 缓,不少灾民仍在临时建筑中栖身,栖身于帐篷、简陋小屋以及其他临时避难所中。这一集,王沺裁将深 刻重灾区,感受灾民住在临时设施的滋味。底 本只能用几个月的帐篷却足足撑了一年,怎么招 架年底的雨季以及还会再来的台风?水电一直成问题,心灵创伤不能愈合,沺裁如何发 挥力 气,辅 助灾民,再找到安 宁的家?

8) Build a home for you.

On November 9th, the Philippines was struck by Super Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest recorded typhoon ever, causing at least 6,300 deaths. Infrastructure in the affected areas was mostly wiped out, and millions of people lost their homes. One year after the disaster, the rebuilding progress is struggling to cope up, with much of the victims taking shelter in tents, shabby cabins, and other temporary sanctuaries. In this episode, Thomas Ong will go deep into the harder-hit areas to experience life in a temporary shelter. Living in tents meant to be used for months instead of lasting over a year, how could they make it through the rainy season and another typhoon? With their trauma barely healed, and the lack of water and electric supplies, how can Thomas help the victims to find a stable home of their own?

